sneer|sneers in English


[snɪr /snɪə]

scornful look, contemptuous glance; expression of ridicule and mockery

Use "sneer|sneers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sneer|sneers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sneer|sneers", or refer to the context using the word "sneer|sneers" in the English Dictionary.

1. Notice how she sneers at you.

2. He said with a sneer.

3. Compare smirk, sneer, frown, scowl and grimace.

4. After witnessing the sneers of the Monseigneur and the Bruskness of Stryver, Darnay reflects

5. Their loud Blusterings and their constant sneers, are the index of real fear.

6. The sneer had turned into a lump in his throat.

7. In addition to looking peeved, they also trotted out those sneers of disgust.

8. As she read the letter,(Sentence dictionary) she started to sneer.

9. He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.

10. He has hard, cold eyes and his mouth is set in a perpetual sneer.

11. 11 He sneers at the arguments against it: self-sufficiency and the tired old cultural card.

12. 26 Once in a while, she seemed to sneer and made a grimace of revulsion.

13. A sneer is the weapon of the weak. James Russell Lowell 

14. 23 Once in a while, she seemed to sneer and made a grimace of revulsion.

15. But now it sits scowling outside the conversation of humankind, offering expert opinion with a sneer.

16. Once in a while, she seemed to sneer and made a grimace of revulsion.

17. (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) His lip Curled in a swift sneer.

18. The Prince smirked and Gaveston turned, for the first time acknowledging their presence with a condescending sneer.

19. 16 He makes cutting observations about racism and sexism and then, unfortunately, veers into lame sneer-along homophobia.

20. All they want me to do is help them sneer at people who write wonderful books.

21. Verb (used without object) to become twisted, distorted, or strained: His face Contorted into a grotesque sneer.

22. He makes cutting observations about racism and sexism and then, unfortunately, veers into lame sneer-along homophobia.

23. "How much did you say you earned last year - was it fifteen thousand?" she said with a sneer.

24. 26 Associates introduced a new fund to invest in technology stocks amid sneers and snickers from analysts and rival fund groups.

25. The most bookish of pundits, George Will, was hired for the Anglophilic elegance of his sneers, not for logical mastery or historical depth